light question

fish man

I have a 75 gallon saltwater aquarium and I am wanting to have some live rock and some easy coral and some anemones. I was wondering if I could just buy an actinic blue and an actinic white bulb and put it in my regular lighting fixture and make the live rock work. The fish that I have in the aquarium is a yellowtail damsel, dragon goby, and mexican snail. I have base rock right now and live sand as my substrate. Any information would be helpful. By the way the lighting fixture is a 64 watt fixture. 2 bulbs 48" long


Active Member
well for any corals you will need to get new lights for anemones you really need MH lights. SO i would start looking at lights. Check out some other sites for lighting. You really need MH but VHO and PC lights will work but cant keep high light corals.


Active Member
well mh is metal halide, and i think vho is very high output lights UMMM i have no clue on that..... BUt you are looking to spend around 300-500 on the lighting if not more.


Active Member
Basic rule of thumb is that you need PC, VHO or T5 lighting for softies and LPS corals, metal halide lighting (expensive!) for anemones, clams and SPS corals. Be aware that anemones sting, so if you want corals I would advise against getting an anemone. It is simply not worth the risk IMHO.


Active Member
So have I, and I've also seen withered corals and crashed tanks because of them. Just a friendly word of warning :)