light repairs


I have a Aquamedic light fixture. Its a pendant light with 3 250W metal halides and 4 powere compats. The problem i'm having is my metal halides work but my power compacts dont(i have all new bulbs in). nothing happend that i know of to have this problem. my question is how do you get your lights repaired? local fish store? Eletrician? do it my self and how?


Active Member
i would call the manufacturer about it. meanwhile, did it work before you replaced the bulbs? when did it shut down? how old is the fixture?


i did house repairs which took longer then expected
so the lights were working i just assumed they blew out from useage. so when i went to my LFS and bought all new lights this was the problem that i had. The fixture is at least 3 years old. I havent called the manufaturer yet do to the fact i work long hours and never get home in time.


Active Member
hmm..well, i would take it apart and troubleshoot. check that the wiring has not come loose, and if you have a test light to check and see if the wires coming out of the ballasts are hot.