Light schedule


I have a power compact with two 60 watt Acrylic, two 60 watt compact, and lunars.
What is a good schedule? My plan was to do lunars first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. Durning the day the acrylic would go for 10 hours and the other light would come on one hour into the acrytic and turn off one hour before the acrylic turns off. How does that sound?


Active Member
That sounds good to me. I run the actinics for 2 hours at the beginning of the day and at the end, but to each their own. When the actinic and white lights are off, just have your moonlights on throughout the night.


How many hours do you have the lights on in total not including lunar?
Are there any soft corals that a beginner should stay away from? I heard star coral takes over the tank but I do not know what it is.


Active Member
Star polyp coral can take over, but I still find it to be an attractive coral to have in the tank.
I have my lights on for a total of 13 hours.
My schedule is:
8AM - 10 AM - actinics
10AM - 7PM - actinics and white lights
7PM - 9PM - actinics
9PM - 8AM - moonlights


New Member
i have a coral life light with 2 48 in lights and two switches for the sunlight and a light that looks purple. is this good enough light for coral. and where can i get moonlights, are they needed?

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I'm sure he means actinic.
Now why could'nt I figure that out?


Active Member
What is the wattage of the bulbs? What size tank do you have?
And no, you do not neccessarily need moonlights.


I read an article that it is best to use the lunar lights first thing in the morning and at night but not during the entire night. For example: the schedule may look like this:
Lunar 5am-8am
Main lights 8am- 8pm
lunar 8pm- 11pm
Has anyone ever used this type of schedule? what are the benifits


Active Member
I use my moonlights throughout the night and have never had a problem. I have been using moonlights for three years now. I have never heard of any problems with using them all night as long as they are not too incredibly bright.