Light Settings For Aqualight Lunar


hey i have the corallife aqualife lunar and im not positive the best settings to put the light putting the 3 bulbs on different timers and was wondering any recommendations on when i should set each one for..i have the lunars on for about 9pm and the 10000k for 7am but im not sure when to use the actinic bulbs and do i use them with or without the 10000k..any also trying to get rid of a brown algae problem so im wondering the best lighting..thanks nick


Active Member
The actinic should be on with the 10000k daylight bulb so it will looks really nice.


i would suggest putting the actinics on an hour or two before the 10000K then adding the 10000k (both on) then turn the 10000k off for a couple hours then the actinic seems people like this arrangement as it mimics a dusk/dawn effect.... as far as the moonlights.. im not really sure as I have no personal experience.... maybe someone who has experimented with these can comment


I have coralife aqualight here's my lighting schedule
actinics on at 11am
10k on at 1pm
10k off at 6pm
actinic off at 10 pm
moonlights on at 10pm off at 11am
The actincs create the dawn and dusk effect and stay on with the 10k