Light What?


Ok OK I am so throuly confused :confused: I dont know witch end is up!!! I have my 75gl FO tank and was thinking about going reef but the more and more I read about lighting the less I understand. What is the diffrence between VHO, HO and every other kind of lighting. and how much do I need for my tank? I dont know I'm so confused can some one straighten out the whole lighting mess for me.


Mary -
No worries, there is a lot of debate and a lot of information about lighting, particularly how it applies to a reef tank.
Do a search on this site, for lighting and you'll find tons of discussion/info. If you can't get the answers your looking for from there, we'd be happy to help you out with answers to anything specific you might want to know.


HO's are good, VHO's are better, most cost effective and highest density for the dollar are arguably Compact Flourescent Lights(CFL). If you are going reef and any time in the future would like to house SPS corals, go with Metal Halide (MH). They are expensive, but the quality of light from these can mean the difference from an SPS surviving (CFL) or thriving (MH). If you aren't interested in keeping extremely high light req. species like SPS, then go with CFL, it really is the best bang for the buck. Here's a research starting link