

have a 55 gal, two sets of lights, both have two bulbs in them. Question is, how long to keep the lights on? I am trying to minimize algae, and getting the water to warm, but would like the fish to have the proper amount of light needed.
Thanks Shell


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by shobby
have a 55 gal, two sets of lights, both have two bulbs in them. Question is, how long to keep the lights on? I am trying to minimize algae, and getting the water to warm, but would like the fish to have the proper amount of light needed.
Thanks Shell

If it is only fish...have the lights on when you want to see your fish. The light from the room is enough for them when you have the tank lights off.


Active Member
I agree, if it is a fish only then they just need a few hours for viewing. If you have corals then 8hrs is enough.
I am pretty sure mine run 9hrs and I run the scrubber light for 16hrs. Even if you have corals in your tank you can do a three day lights out period to loosen up the algae you are fighting. Cyano should be gone after that time period and HA should not have as strong of a foot hold so manual removal should be eaiser.
HTH, Peace.

small triggers

Active Member
i have fish with some mushrooms, and i run my daylights for about 7 hours and my actinics for 10 hours.. They all seem to like it, lol