lighting 90 gallon reef


i want to start a reef tank. i will only have some begginer corals at first but want to get some SPS corals down the road what would be the best so i dont have to upgrade down the road


Active Member
2x250w metal haildes. They are kinda pricey but if you dont want to upgrade later AND keep SPS halides are the way to go. They will provide a better growth rate for your other corals too.


Active Member
Yes at least 2 250w MH's. 400's would be better but might not be required. I don't have any sps experience but from what I have read then require extremly high light.


if you go with a 400 watt diy setup, when you eventually move to a bigger tank you can pop them out and use them again, so you don't need to rebuy. they are probably more than you need for a 90, though definately not too much. if i was you i would go that route as you are probably only looking at a 150 dollar difference including bulbs. rebuying an upgrade down the road will set ya back 500 give or take.
guess it depends on how you like to spend your money.