I am considering purchasing a reef ready 92 gallon corner tank. The dimensions are 24" high with a radius form the corner of 34".
I will be implementing a minimum 5" DSB - making the water depth to bottom about 19 inches.
This will be a mixed LPS / SPS tank with a coulple of clams in the bottom.
I am considering using 2 - 250 watt, 10000k MH lights place about 18 inches apart, centered.
Having never used halides befor I would like some feedback and advice. Is this enough/too much lighting for this tank? Will I get enough penetration to support maiximas on the bottom? How far off of the water would you place the lights. If it was your tank - what would you do??
I addition to my lighting concerns, I have also been mulling over the ussual water flow/current issues. Any advice here would also be appreciated.
I will be implementing a minimum 5" DSB - making the water depth to bottom about 19 inches.
This will be a mixed LPS / SPS tank with a coulple of clams in the bottom.
I am considering using 2 - 250 watt, 10000k MH lights place about 18 inches apart, centered.
Having never used halides befor I would like some feedback and advice. Is this enough/too much lighting for this tank? Will I get enough penetration to support maiximas on the bottom? How far off of the water would you place the lights. If it was your tank - what would you do??
I addition to my lighting concerns, I have also been mulling over the ussual water flow/current issues. Any advice here would also be appreciated.