Lighting a 92 gal corner??


I am considering purchasing a reef ready 92 gallon corner tank. The dimensions are 24" high with a radius form the corner of 34".
I will be implementing a minimum 5" DSB - making the water depth to bottom about 19 inches.
This will be a mixed LPS / SPS tank with a coulple of clams in the bottom.
I am considering using 2 - 250 watt, 10000k MH lights place about 18 inches apart, centered.
Having never used halides befor I would like some feedback and advice. Is this enough/too much lighting for this tank? Will I get enough penetration to support maiximas on the bottom? How far off of the water would you place the lights. If it was your tank - what would you do??
I addition to my lighting concerns, I have also been mulling over the ussual water flow/current issues. Any advice here would also be appreciated.


Active Member
2 250w MH's would work great in this tank. You will need to find a canopy tall enough to hold the lighting. Also like DvSkin said you might want to add soma actinics. For this I would suggest a pair of vho's. Here is a small drawing of how I would try to set it up. Might not need the middle light.
One 400 watts MH
Two T-5 blues
T-5 outperform VHO and PC.
As the open space area appear to be within 2'ish by 2'ish and I do not think you need two MH as you do not put anything on front section? A free swimming space? IMO
Why do you need two MH in an odd-size tank? Unless you chose to run (two 250 watts) one 10000K and 20000K together?
Check out T-5 and you may be amazed and be thankful that we have such new product in the line! :)


I do have 2 96-watt power compacts I'm not using, I could add them for actinics... if I can figure out spacing. Would this suffice??
For some reason I was thinking the 10000k bulbs would cover this end of the spectrum.
Mr. Angelfish, I did consider a single 400 watt but was stearing away from it for a couple of reasons. First was coverage, I am not sure I would get enough light on the ends. The second reason had to do with bulb replacement, I was thinking that having two and changing one bulb at a time would shock the corals less. I am not sure if either of these are valid or not.


I have a 54 gal corner unit and have a spacelight and made a partial slide on cover to keep the unit as good looking as possable as it's like a piece of furniture. Originall had a glass top with power compacts and unit looked nice but lighting was not enough for me to do what I wanted in a reef. Maybe the 90 is big enough to hold better compacts than my 54 All Glass is. Would be happy to send you pics e/mail to give you a idea because I don't think I have enough posts to attach a pic.