Lighting a FOWLR


Let me start off by saying that I know very little about lighting and thus the reason for consulting other members. I have a 110 gallon FOWLR tank that came with a strip light with 1 10,000K Daylight bulb which has seen its share of use. I have no desire to change this tank into a reef and it will remain fish only. I was wondering tho if changing to a different bulb or lighting setup would have an affect on the colors in the tank. The reason I ask is that it seems as tho the tanks/fish at my LFS seem to have better color than when I look at my tank at home. So is there a better bulb or an addition that I can make to the current bulb that would be more flattering to my tank and fish and help them look nicer? Is my existing light enough for my tank in general and to promote coraline? I would like to keep the cost down but I understand that I may have to spend some money. Any help would be appreciated.


Active Member
u can try changing the bulb to one that promotes certain colors, therefore making ur fish stand out more.