Lighting adjustment



I currently have (2) MH 250W 6500K and (2) Actinic 03 110W VHO lamps lighting my 75 gallon aquarium. When I purchased this system from a friend, this is the way he had it set up. After some experience with this tank, I believe this is too much light. This thought also comes from looking at other tanks and their lighting and reading some of the feedback on this site. I am thinking of trying to center "one" of the MH bulbs in the hood by eliminating the other one and continuing the use of the VHOs. This would bring my watts per gallon ratio closer to where it needs to be. Is this a good idea? My concern is the light distribution. But I have seen many systems with only one MH lamp. Could also change one of the VHO lamps to a different type. Would appreciate some advice and/or ideas. Thanks.


Staff member
You didn't say if you have your tank up and running? If so, and everything is going well, don't fix what ain't broke! Really, you need to give more info regarding the size of your tank [and shape]. Meaning is it tall or reg-size long, etc.? What type of animimals and algae do you have going in your system?