Lighting Advice


New Member
I am new to saltwater tanks. I am setting up a 90gal tank and am looking to keep fish, live rock and possibly down the road a few corals but nothing to major. I am wondering if this lighting would be sufficient to support good growth for live rock and possibly a few corals down the road. Also if this is a good brand or if anyone has one of these to post their opinions.
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I have read many post about MH lighting but I dont plan on going to a complete reef tank and from a cost standpoint they seem a bit outta my price range. I am open to any ideas or suggestions. Only wanting to spend around 250-275 dollars if at all possible
Also found these, which would be better or are neither up to par
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Edit: fixed link


Active Member
The first link is not working, but the second light should be fine for what you want.


Im a VHO fan, check out an icecap660 a couple of ballasts and some bulbs (I use URI bulbs). It will be a little over your 250-275 but well worth it.
EDIT: also, imo, pc lighting is a waste of money. The T5 setup doesnt look bad.. but T5's are very very bright (and a lot of soft corals don't like that) from what I have heard.


Active Member
Love the URI bulbs....but with proper acclimation to new bulbs such as T5's the softies should be fine if acclimation is done right


Active Member
"but T5's are very very bright (and a lot of soft corals don't like that) from what I have heard."
I completely disagree with that statement. I have a 55g with 500w of MH and another 220w of VHO. I have some mushrooms, xenia, and zoos on the very tops my rocks and they look great. As long as they are properly acclimated, you will have no problem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hurt
As long as they are properly acclimated, you will have no problem.
I'll second that. I have zoos & shrooms growing out EVERYWHERE
in my 110g which has 2- 400w MHs. I have even tried to eliminate them and they just keep coming back. My Xenias LOVE the MHs... they grow like weeds... I have to prune them about once a month. I also had some leathers before I set up the 55g and they all did great... a finer leather, toadstool leather, cabbage leather... they all loved the light.
For corals that really do not like bright light, you just shade them and they will do fine.


Active Member
Yep, xenia is a weed, and coraline algae is starting to become one in my tank
I scrap and cut one week, there back the next. I even have xenia growing on my tank walls and heater cords. If I only never put xenia in my tank
