Lighting Advise

Hello to everyone. I need some advise, I just purchased a 36" 192W JBJ Power Compact light fixture. It has a 10k and an actinic bulb, (2) seperate electrical plugs w/ (2) seperate switches please tell me how can I set them up to get the best coralline and to be able to keep mushrooms. How much time should I set the lights to be on? I would like to use timers and have no clue! Please advise.

Tank: 46 gallon bow front/24" deep/36" wide


Active Member
The simplest setup is to just run both plugs off a timer with a 8-11 hour cycle.
You can set it up wtih two timers and have the actinics come on one hour early and stay on one hour later than the 10K lamp, but this is more asthetic than anything else, it won't help the growth any.