Lighting again....!


I have been through this problem for a while. My conclusion is that halides is the way to go but I cant afford them. I have normal lighting. I also got two condis that I was told was the only anemones that could use normal lighting. One of them is doing ok and the other is doing aweful. Not really sure what to do at this point. I have a question also. when I go the LFS i see that there are special bulbs that fit in to the factory fixture but are only 15 watts and says that it is for corals and anemones. Of course, people wouldnt be spending big money on lighting if thats all it took. Can someone explain those cheap bulbs to me and tell me if they actually help any. Also anyone have any advice on other methods of lighting that is cheaper than halides that could help me atleast have some anemones and such.


First off there is no reason with a couple of condi's that you would need metal halides.
2nd, I can't believe someone has a bulb out that is 15 watts of Normal output that says its good for coral and anemone, not that I don't believe you, but 15 watts is crazy for any coral and anemone. That just ain't gonna get r done. I just can't explain why the advertising would say such a thing.
I think you could get buy just fine with say 380 watts of VHO, ( a favorite of mine on a 55 ). I did the same thing and my Bubble tip did very well under that lighting. A 380 retrofit kit would give you 6,9 watts per gallon, plenty for a condy or BTA in a tank with live rock.


Active Member
its true!
if you read any of the NO flourescent tube packages they will state what they are good for..... the supposed 10K and acitinics say they are good for anemoneas/coral/inverts....
that light range may be good for those animals but not in that output.... IMO thats there way of skirting the issue that those lights really wont support an anemonea or coral .... that would be nice if they did and i was also mislead in the beggining on the lighting issue...
this has been the trickiest part of the tank for me ever since i started wanting corals/anemoneas
good luck