Lighting and Anemones


New Member
Where can I find information about the amount of light the different varieties of anemone need? Especially which will tolerate lower light levels.


A wealth of information is out there in cyberspace, you just have to look.
Two anemones come to mind with lower light level sucess.
Bubble tip and Haitian anemones. BTA's having a higher sucess rate IMO.
Lighting requirements go up from there. Typically the two I mentioned as a rough estimate can succed with 4+ watts per gallon of VHO or PC lighting. Normal output lights will NOT be enough.
I was able to raise many BTA's with 4.22 watts per gallon of VHO lighting changing the bulbs about every 10 months for 4 years. Your chance of sucess relys on many other factors though. Water quality and stablility of the system are two big factors. Calcium and alkalinity should also be stable as well as PH. The amount of available/usable light to the anemone will very with every system, for instance where the anemone decides to live? High up on the rocks or at the bottom of the tank. Tank depth comes into play as well with regard to avaliable/usable light.
It seems from others imput that the RBTA likes more light than regular BTA's.
So my suggestion would be to look for an aquacultured BTA for the best sucess. Hundreds of anemones don't last the first 6 months to a year.
In general terms the better your lighting for almost any anemone the better your chance of sucess. As photosynthetic animals them MUST have light. So purchase the best you can afford.