lighting and coralline help??


New Member
hey everyone, I upgraded my light from pc's to a 6 (3 10k 3 actnics) bulb nova extreme pro a few months ago so I could keep an anemone and some easier sps. Before the upgrade I had great coralline growth and nice over all color in my tank. After the upgrade my coralline began to fade and tanks looking bleached. Its all but gone now except for the bottom side of some rocks. I mean these lights are bright. each lamp is 39 watts with individual reflectors. my question is if I remove one of the 10k lamps. would I still have enough light for a devils hand and an LTA anemone?? TIA
ps. I have high calcium readings and ph of around 7.9 but don't know if this has an affect on coralline


Active Member
how is your alk?
if it was the lights, you should still have coralline growth in the shadowed areas, on the sides of rocks, underneath....
what is the depth of your tank? i'm assuming it's not very deep if you have a 3' fixture. i would say yes. if you were to replace one of the 10k lamps with say...a 75/25 or something else for more color, you would still have enough light for an anemone.