lighting and mantis shrimp


As far as the jbj lighting, theres lots of ppl here that use it, and you could even do a search for it and find an almost identical post.
As for the mantis, isolate it to one rock, and take that rock back to the LFS. Please dont kill it. Lots of ppl want to keep a dedicated Mantis tank, and cant find specimens, because ppl always kill them off. You wouldnt kill other inverts just becasue they hitchhiked would you? Their beautiful, intriging creatures, with very strange and interesting habits and lifestyles. If you have a 10 gallon your not using, drop the rock in there and check out this site on how to care them.
Hes not the boogie man. Just doing his job in the ecosystem.


Active Member
i have a mantis tank and its awesome. please dont kill the guy. set up a little tank for him and trust me you will enjoy it. later, bo


Active Member
Isolate the rock he is in. Put some tank water in a bucket hold the rock over the water. Pour or squirt cool fresh declorenated water into the hole he's in and out he will come and you will have him in the bucket. You may have to pour it in more than once if he has a good hiding place in there and you may have to squirt it in the other holes in the rock, sometimes they connect and he will hide in them. This has worked very well for me three times now. GOOD LUCK!


New Member
I have at least one mantis shrimp that has killed way too many of my fish, shrimp, crabs, etc. Could I remove him with his live rock home to a 20 gal hospital aquarium?
Do I need to be concerned he will break the glass? He is about 3 inches long.


Active Member
Moving him to a hospital tank would be a good idea (as long as he remains alone) and no he won't break your tank. There are two basic types of mantis shrimp - clubbers and spearers. If he is a spearer then he cant break it. The clubbers are the ones that are suppose to be able to break glass and it may well have happend but many people keep mantis shrimp in small tanks without problems.