Lighting canopy??


New Member
Hello all,
I'm doing some research towards putting together a 125g reef tank. I'm trying to anticipate my equipment needs ahead of time so I dont get caught up in an infinate upgrade cycle.
After choosing my tank size, next on my list is lighting needs. I'm leaning toward MH over PC to give myself the most future options for corals, etc.
Heres my question, MH lights need to be 18" above the water level (the number is from memory, i might be off), where can I get a canopy (and matching stand) that can accomodate these lights??
The tank will be setup in my living room, so I dont want to have the lights hanging above the tank. I've looked at the furnature from a couple of aquarium manufactures (all glass, etc), and none of them have canopies which are large enough for MH (as I understand it).
Do most people have custom made ones?? DIY?? or is there a place where I could purchase furnature for a 125g standard dimension tank??
Thanx much in advance for your input. Hope to have everything figured out and start setting up within a couple months.
PS - any helpfull hints or suggestions for a person just getting started out are greatly welcomed.


Active Member
Hello there jalso,
You are not alone in your search.
As you've already found out - most of the prefab'd tank canopy manufacturer's do not design for MH set ups.
Most of these units are for "looks" only, and do not have the required height ( 12-16" ) normally recommended for MH.
So ..... you got it.
Most folks either DIY or have a local carpenter or cabinet maker build them one. Some good online builders are available as well.
I believe our moderator Beth had a custom built canopy for her tank - maybe she could advise where/who built it.
Other than that - I suppose some other folks here may be able to give you some hints too.
I am in same boat as you right now.
DIY seems to be my best option.
Good luck with your upcoming tank !