Lighting for 125g


What kind of lighting should i get for a 125g 60x18x25 reef aquarium? How many watts should i have?


open top, or canopy ??? what do you want to keep?? LPS,SPS,Softies ???
If you have no limit on cash, the new LED Solaris are a great light, but for the basic reefer , halides will keep anything you may want for a reasonable price.
watts per gallon are pretty much a thing of the past, it's pretty hard to over light a tank, and if you do, you will need a chiller to cool the tank water as for high output systems generate a lot of heat. I have well over 2600 watts over my 8 foot 180.....
congrats on the 100th post.


ok...i found a light with 2x250w MH....4x54w PC for actinics and some moonlights. It's only 48 inches and my tank is 60 long. It also said that they are good for a tank wider than 16 inches and mine is 18. What do you think? I picked these cause i saw them for only a couple hundred bucks.


Active Member
Aquactinics makes a 60" halide/T5 fixture (best of both worlds IMO). I also think PFO and Current have 60" units too if you're hanging them or mounting them to your tank. If you have a canopy then a retrofit is the way to go.


Ok...i found a retrofit thats 60 inches and it holds 2x250wMH and 2x140 VHO lighting. I was wondering about the VHO lights. Should i get the blue color for the bulbs or the white as far as the best looking? Or i could get one of each? I'l probably keep these on for actinics after the Mhs go off. Thanks


I have 2 pfo retro pendant halides on my 125 that work great. one is a 175w and the other is a 250w. I paid about $400 total.


WHat does pfo mean?...anyway...i found the same retrofit as i found above but its 100 dollars cheaper and its 2x175MH and 2x140 VHO T5 instead of 2x250MH and 2x140 VHO t5. You think that would be OK for a 60 inch long tank and 25 deep? Or should i just stay with what i had?