Lighting for 20G long



Hey i have to percs, i am really really interested in getting a anemone for them but just not sure what type of lighting i need to have, its pretty shallow only 12 inchs, how many watts of light per gallon would i need? 1.) a carpet. 2.) Long tentacle 3.) White Sebae thanks in advance..... tank has been up for about 3 months but just want to know so i can start looking for lighting... thanks


whats per gallon isnt going to help. To take no chances you will need a High output T5 fixture, or a metal halide. The halides will probably get way to hot for such a shallow tank. So T5's would be your best bet.


As a general rule it is 4 watts per gallon. I agree with heat from halides being an issue. Are you planning to keep all three of those in your tank or are those your choices?


I have a 20 long, and the best option is t-5 lighting. The Halides would work, but you will have to hang them pretty high over the tank so you wouldn't cook the tank.
I have two Corallife 30 or 36 in fixtures (with two bulbs in each) over my tank. I like this approach because it allows for better coverage over the entire tank, but you might like the look of one large high output fixture.
The good news is you can keep several types of corals (if you so choose) in your tank, and you should be able to support most if not all anenomes.


Active Member
i wouldnt keep a carpet anemone in a 20g for sure, i would also rule out the white sebae. LTAs are nice but can get pretty big as well.. they like sand to bury their foot in and low flow (at least mine does).
go with t5ho two of these: 24" 2 x 24w T5 HO Retrofit Kit


thanks for the input everyone, i am only looking to put one of those in my tank lol, def. not all of them, also i was wondering cant i get them when they are a bit smaller i mean i can always sell when their larger?
i dont see anything wrong if you get rid of them when they get big, but that means that the tank would need to be devoted to the anemone/clownfish. also, when you do remove the anemone and replace it, it will stress the clowns out im guessing. also, anemones are hard to remove without mortally wounding ive heard. also, im no expert so someone would probably have to confirm my thoughts.