Lighting for 20H?


New Member
Starting up a 20H and I was wondering light I should use, I would like to just start off with something that will last me a long time and that I wont have to upgrade for a long the same time I would also not want to drop $800 on lighting.
Should I go with something like the "Nova Extreme T5 Aquarium Lighting Fixture, 4X24 Watt, 24 inch"
Would that be enough light for me to put whatever I would want in the tank?

scopus tang

Active Member
I've been able to keep and grow everything from zoas to SPS under t5 lighting in a 20 gallon tank (shhhhh - its a secret, but the original lights weren't even high output!). The light you've indicated would be sufficient for whatever you want to keep, keeping in mind that bulbs do have to be replaced regularly.