Lighting for 24g tank


Hi help needed.
My present setup light only have one tube of 24w blue and white lights.
Is it enough for soft corel and Anemones.

30-xtra high

Active Member
what is the length of the tank?
if it's "24" you can get some 130watt power compacts for about 60 bucks, and then you can have anemones, polps, frogspawn, mushrooms, leathers, and some plates


Active Member
This sounds like a nano-cube... if so, and you are using the stock enclosure, you are gonna have a hard time adding lights to the built-in canopy unless you are a

You do know you can't just put bigger bulbs in, right (again, assuming we're dealing with a nano and stock canopy)...
If you want to keep an anemone that badly, one thing you might look into is the K-2 Viper 150 Metal Halide. If you have a nano, you'll need to remove the top all together (it's always fun to go topless), and the fixture just clamps onto the tank. They are pricey (maybe 150-200), but they work and it will be more than enough light for an anemone. I have one on my 24g nano and it works great. If you want to check it out, here is a page on my site where I upgraded from one to the other.
Bear in mind though that anemones move and in a small tank, they may wreak havok... just a heads up.


Active Member
t5 is not at all like pc. Hight output t5 (HO) use alot lower wattage but put out more light. Are you sure its 24g? Is it the aquapod? In either case I would upgrade to either atleast 100 watts pc or 2x24 watts t5. If you want to go halide 150w hqi is more than enough. About the t5s there are alot of people on here who know more about them and what wattage. Im pretty sure 2x24 would be enough for most softies in your tank but im not positive as ive never used them.


Hi thanks .
SCSInet wow that some mod u did.
Yes mine is the nano cube.
may be not changing the lights first. Now moding for the Protein Skimmers. with the pump.
May be getting another tanks
team2jndd thanks


Active Member
Removing the top will help your protein skimmer mod.
If you are short on funds and are able to hang something from the ceiling, you can always buy a 175w pendant for cheap used, and use it at least for the time being. I routinely see them for 50-60 bucks complete with a bulb that has some hours on it. I keep two around as backup lighting systems.