lighting for 55g?( some corals)


New Member
I have a FOWLR, planning to put some corals later on and maybe an anemone. What kind of lighting is sufficient? And can you give me the brand that seems to work well with everyone. Thanks!


Metal halides would be best...current usa is a good brand
BUT there are a lot of others that are good too...


Active Member
what type of corals do you wanna put tho?
for anemone then yes a MH or t5 are good. but you know an anemone will have to go in 6 months after the tank is well!
the nova pro would be great on a 55, its not about watts though, its about par. so consider a bulb swap to UVI or giesmann in the future. the pro is greta because individual reflectors which makes the t5 bulb more effivcient in lumens per watt and help push the par value up.


I have a Coralife Aqualight Pro 48" and absolutely love it. It's too big to stand on the tank so you'd have to hang it. Looks awesome!