Lighting for 55gal


I have a 55gal thats been running for about 3 months and right now I just have a Fluorescent light. I want to eventually get some corals and anenomes. What is a good light for a 55gal but not too expensive? Thanks.


as little as possible, but if something is a little more money and much better then i would do that. I want to spend the min that i need to but I want to make sure they get the job done...How many watts of MH do i need for a 55? How many T5 watts? Thanks


Active Member
r u handy? if so, try getting a retro fit kit. 4x54w t5 will be enough for a 55 with individual reflectors. also, take a look at the nova extreme pro. decent t5for the price. run about $200-350, depending on the model u choose.


looking around and it really seems like t5's are the best bang for the buck right now. mh are too expensive for my budget and living in texas the heat issue is going to be a problem since i def cant afford a chiller for my little 30 gallon. so i chose to go with t5's in mine. and so far im loving it. 100x better than fluorescent lighting. i have a nice freshwater tank in the same room as my saltwater and it has two 48" fluorescent bulbs above it and my one 24" t5 looks amazingly brighter and more crisp.