Lighting For 90g Reef?

extinct 1ne

I am looking to get some good lighting for my soon-to-be 90g reef. Coral-wise, I will be stocking Soft and LPS. What do you think I should go with? Currently I have a 48" Current USA HO T-5 (2x54w) over my 55g reef. Do you think this would be enough for the 90g? 108w? If not, could anybody suggest a nice set of lights? Thanks again.


Well-Known Member

Take it from someone who went from, fish lights to PC, to T5 then back to PC, to finally MH….Get the very best from the get go. Back when I tried T5s (very new) they were a piece of crap. I understand they are made better nowadays. I like the MH lights the best on my 90g.


Active Member
Two 250w halides or a good T5ho fixture with 8-bulbs and individual reflectors would let you keep whatever you wanted.