Lighting for a 12 gallon JBJ Deluxe and other needs.


New Member
O.K, bought my 12 gallon nano. Its going to sit until I close on my new house mid October but I am trying to get a grasp of what I have to do so when I can set it up i'll be ready.
My big question is on the lighting. How do you all time your lights for a normal cycle. Does the JBJ tank have that ability?
I am a big lover of manuals, and I will just say that JBJ kind of lacked in that department.
If anyone can guide me through how they did there lighting, thanks.
Also, aside from what came with the deluxe, any reccomendations on other things that you would add... heater etc.?


I bought a simple timer from my LFS and hooked it up to the stock lighting the JBJ dlx had at the time. I later purchased a 70 watt MH lighting system and hooked that up to the same timer. Ask anyone at your LFS about timers, they make my life so much easier! I would reccomend upgrading your lighting, it just looks so much better! But if you wanted to keep the lighting you have now, you can switch out one of the 24 watt bulbs with an actinic blue 24 watt bulb. it makes your corals come alive. hope this helps


New Member
Is the actinic blue different than what they are calling their "nite-vu" LED moonlights, and how so. I would like to keep the wattage at 48, which it is currently at.
Also, my LSF said I wouldn't need a heater due to the lights creating enough heat (hense the two fans integrated.) What are anyone's thoughts on this. I feel having one for safety's sake might be a good idea.


New Member
O.k.... I think i grasp that Actinic blue is casts a different light and is not what are used as the night lights. For twenty dollars, that sounds like a good swap.
The question on the heaters still stands though.
Seems like there is a bit of a learning curve to this and i look forward to the challenge.


Originally Posted by Seanem
O.k.... I think i grasp that Actinic blue is casts a different light and is not what are used as the night lights. For twenty dollars, that sounds like a good swap.
The question on the heaters still stands though.
Seems like there is a bit of a learning curve to this and i look forward to the challenge.
get a small never know durring the winter. better safe than sorry. heaters are always standard in my tanks


Originally Posted by bigpete
get a small never know durring the winter. better safe than sorry. heaters are always standard in my tanks


New Member
By small, how small are we talking? Around 20 Watts? And are there any preferences on teh heater brand? Thanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigpete
I bought a simple timer from my LFS and hooked it up to the stock lighting the JBJ dlx had at the time. I later purchased a 70 watt MH lighting system and hooked that up to the same timer. Ask anyone at your LFS about timers, they make my life so much easier! I would reccomend upgrading your lighting, it just looks so much better! But if you wanted to keep the lighting you have now, you can switch out one of the 24 watt bulbs with an actinic blue 24 watt bulb. it makes your corals come alive. hope this helps
where do you get small wattage halides? I have a 5g and would like a 50w halide ill even do 70w and put it higher off the water.