lighting for a 42 gallon oceanic hex

chef jaysen

I originally started off with a 18 inch 50/50 and although that was nice looking I soon realized that More light the better. So.. I went to walmart bought a $20 dual bulb plant hood and put in one 20" 10000k coral life and one 20" actinic coral life bulb. With bulbs and hood it cost $65. And holy smokes is it nice. If you have the standard 18 inch bulb set up I can sell you my hood or bulb. Only 1 month old.....thirty dollar bulb. I hate wasting money.:D
nice tank!!! is exactly like mine....I already have the 18"NO hood.
I am thinking about PC's or possibly a MH pendant though.
I am just setting it up and am expecting 72#'s of LR next week. I am planning on having sea horses in it:)

chef jaysen

A seahorse tank in the corner would be a cool conversation peice.....I would love to see that......keep me up to date and good luck...
Would you be able to hang a pendant over it? If so, one word........Giesemann! Not only are these HQI pendants awesome, but the fixture in itself is very classy looking. I forget the Giesemann web address, but you can get a good desc. and pictures of them on
I'm not sure how deep your tank is and what you plan on keeping, I believe they are available (the pendants anyway) from 150W to 400W. I love Hexagons!!!!


Here's mine. I bought the light from, and installed it in a custom 12" tall canopy. I'll try to send more photos later, if you'd like. The light is a 12,000K 175W.

richard rendos

Active Member
I have a 54 corner bowfront with a 250 watt MH pendant hanging over it. Works great and since there is no canopy, I have zero problems with heat. I would suggest getting a 12K or 20K bulb so you won't need supplemental actinic lighting.


Active Member
Mine isn't a hex, but rather a pent (close enought that my setup might be of interest to you). I built a custom DIY canopy and run a single 250w MH and two 15w NOs. Details are on my site if you are interested.



Originally posted by reefaddicted
I think i will try to go with a custom canopy/MH.
I really like Heyoo's setup.

Thanks for the compliment!
I was going to use a hanging MH pendant, but my wife put a stop to that. We've got a new house, and she's really proud of the tray ceilings in that room. She really didn't like the idea of a big hook and dangling wires. Fine with me - I took that as the ok to get a custom canopy.
I don't have time or skills to do such a thing, but a local cabinet maker (who makes a lot of stands and canopies for LFS's) made a slick canopy to match my oceanic stand. It took a few weeks due to holidays, vacations, etc, but it was worth the wait.
Good luck!