lighting for a bta ??


have a 20g long tank with 2 clownfish,,about 14lbs of LR...tank is 12'' deep...what lighting would be good for a bta ? im considering either a metal halide 150w or a power compact 2x65 w = 130w....which would be better ? dont want the tank to get too hot,,but also would like the bta to thrive...any suggestions ?dont have the bta right now,,,am considering purchasing one in the near future,,,thanks everyone,,,,vic


Avoid the potential upgrade and go straight for the 150 halide. I have a BTA and at first I had PC's...he wasn't happy, then I upgraded to dual 175 watt halides...he STILL wasn't happy. Only when I upgraded again to 250's did he settle down and remain happy ever since.
Some BTA's can tolerate less light from what I've read, but mine was almost crawling out of the tank trying to get closer to the light source. Here lemme show you. This pic is very old, but it shows you what I am trying to say...
See him way up there? That's with 175 watt halides!


Active Member
Agreed, go with the 150w halide.
IME 130 watts of PC lighting is not enough to keep a BTA. I nearly lost my RBTA with the same lighting until I upgraded to halides.


thanks everyone,,,was thinking the same thing,,,just wasnt sure,,,now i am ,,,will go with the halides,,,thanks again,,


Active Member
Originally Posted by vic2367
thanks everyone,,,was thinking the same thing,,,just wasnt sure,,,now i am ,,,will go with the halides,,,thanks again,,
much wiser choice definately


Would VHO help? I'm hoping to have 65 watt pc and 150 watt VHO over a 25 gallon tank.
I already have the 65watt pc and I was planning on retrofitting a NO fixture to VHO so it wouldn't be too bad cost wise to get this much light, but if it's not going to cut it I'll have to reconsider. My other consideration is that I want mushrooms, will I end up cooking them?


Active Member
Originally Posted by BAWood
Would VHO help? I'm hoping to have 65 watt pc and 150 watt VHO over a 25 gallon tank.
I already have the 65watt pc and I was planning on retrofitting a NO fixture to VHO so it wouldn't be too bad cost wise to get this much light, but if it's not going to cut it I'll have to reconsider. My other consideration is that I want mushrooms, will I end up cooking them?
place the mushrooms on the bootom of the tank you dont have to go with say 400 watts mh of lighting per bulb.but you do need Mh of some sort at least 150 if you want to suppliment lighting by adding extra VHo to shorten the time needed for Mh thats fine thats what i do but anenomes do require more intense lighting unless your wanting your anenome to be aiptasia.that takes very little light to strive under.