Lighting for a deep tank W/ Clams


I will be setting up a reef tank in a 60 hex and want to also keep some live clams..Used to have a reef tank before with a metal halide pendant light on it ..Is there anything better (for looks or for the corals and the clams..) Seeing as it is a deeper tank what would work the best..


Active Member
I'm not that good with lighting. But it has been my experience that metal halide is the best overall lights.
There are new lights coming out every day it seems and people have ALOT of opinions with lighting.
I suggest using MH lights with a combination of flourecent lights.
Mh lights are the best (in my opinion) for clams etc, but they do have brightness to them that is not that easy to our eyes?
so add flourecent lights with alot of blue spectrum to compensate.
I like this combination. I set the F. lights to come on an hour before the MH lights.
This does not seem to stress the fish much.
Sorry I'm not much help.


Active Member
I think using mh lighting with some compact florecent or vho's would be best. Clams need alot of light and your going to need alot to penatrate that deep of a tank.


write iwaski to have them make a 250 and 400w 50k bulb. Do find out how look at the other bboards there is a petition on this. they make the 150w in 50k but not the rest. they said there isn't a market. But there really isnt a market for 150w anyway IMO. The 250 and 400w would be a good bulb. It has more blue the 6.5k but still has good par fro the other colors but the bulb really looks blue. 50k isn't the true k but the name . Anyway write them and give us another choice.