Lighting for a refugium

I recently built a refugium for under the spare 55 tank i had. I have a 15 gallon, split into 3 parts using plexiglass for the dividers. I moved some pieces of this long hair algea that was on this rock into this tank. I also purchased a light to go with this. Now this is the funky part. The algea that i put in there is turning brown, which of course its not suppose to :) My problem i think is the light that i bought. I bought something called a Compact Florescent Stip-Lite from oceanic systems. Its 55 watts but i think i am missing something. Should i be using a actinic light to help the algea grow or is this light fine?


New Member
I just finished building a new 50 gallon sump with a 15 gallon Refugium in it. You may not believe this but I am using a work light with a 60 watt plant gro bulb from Kmart as lighting for the refugium. It is working great. I leave the light on 24 hours a day. I don't know if this will help but it works great for my 90 gallon reef system.


Why would you put hair algae in your fuge? Macro my friend macro...were trying to get rid of the hair.
Maybe it turned brown because there aren't enough nutirents in your fuge for it (the fuge) connect to the main tank yet? Maybe not enough light? although 55watts should be plenty.
Anyway lets get rid of that hair and put in some Macro ok?

nm reef

Active Member
I use 2x40 watt no lights.....both 50/50......but all I have in the refugium is macro algae(caulpera)......agree with the suggestion to toss the hair algae
Maybe im not using the correct term when i say hair algea. This was a store bought piece of rock that has very long green ... well hair algea lol. What im trying to do is grow it on this rock and then place it back in the tank for the tang to munch on. It just doesnt seem like its growing the way it did in the main tank.