Lighting for an anemone


We have a 35 gallon hex. tank. How much lighting do we need for an anemone. We have a clarkii clown, a firefish, snails and hermit crabs, 2 emerald crabs, and a cbs. Is it ok to have an anemone and which would be the best to get? We were looking at the bta.


If not mistaken aren't hex tanks usually tall. What is the height of the tank? You may need a smaller metal halide to penetrate deep enough.


Active Member

Originally posted by 22CADDY
If not mistaken aren't hex tanks usually tall. What is the height of the tank? You may need a smaller metal halide to penetrate deep enough.

I don't know what you mean by "smaller" MH :notsure:
If your tank is 18" deep, a 175w mogul or a 150w HQI will due. If it is deeper (up to 24") you will need 250w.


The height is 24'' and the width is 22'' point to point
How much is it for a light that is strong enough for our tank? Can you point us in the right direction, thanks.
- Paul and Alexis


If you have Live Rock and are getting a Bubble Tip then 150 W MH MIGHT be ok since the anemone can climb the rock(or just the aquarium wall) to the desired height. However, I think since you are going to buy the light anyways you might as well go for 250 W. I dont think that the price difference is going to be pretty nominal. Better to get more light than less. You might need to adjust the light height(elevation above water surface) depending on how much the water heats up....