lighting for anemone (nano)

brad pitt

hi i have a 12gal nano and i have a mated pair of percula clownfish. i don't know how many watts my light is but i want to get one of these anemones; bubble tip, carpet, tube, or sebae. would any of these be okay for my tank? and is there anything like copper or anything else that i should be worried about that could kill the anemone? i had a 20gal b4 and i tired to keep one but the anemone just died killing everything in my tank. i dont want the same thing to occur in my 12gal nano.

so please give me as much info as possible
thank you


Anemones need very strong lighting.(metal halide) If you haven't upgraded your lighting on your 12 gallon nano then no you cannot keep a bubble tip or a carpet. Which are the two anemones perculas are most likely to host.


Active Member
what kind of nano is it? like is it a all in one like a aquapod or nanocube or biocube? does it have the hood it came with?


yeap the small tanks arent that good to keep anemones in they grow fairly quick and large so as journey said it will engulf your tank.


Active Member
1st u need to upgrade ur light. i wouldnt worry about it getting big if its not gonna thrive or survive. if u do upgrad ur light, anemone can easily double in size in 3-6 months. mine grew from 3 inches across to over 1 foot in 7 months.