Lighting for anemone


Thanks so far for the help! I've never used this till now and I think it is great! Anyway, would 4-75 watt VHO 50/50 lights be good enough for an anemone or should I have some mixture of lights. (75 gal fish only tank for the moment) Also, to go from fish only to a reef tank - is this something that is going to be very hard to do? I have been reading up on this a ton! I don't know if it is helping or confusing me.


Active Member
Its a lot to take in all at once, but with time it will sink in and everything will make perfect sense ;) Anemones require moderate to intense lighting, as you know from your reading. 4 75 watt VHOs would be consider low to very low lighting, no pun intended ;) To provide an anemone with the optimal amount of light you would want 4-4 110 watt VHOs, or a couple of VHOs and a pair of metal halides. Feeding and water quality are also very important when keeping an anemone. HTH


I take it that means my hood I bought for my tank that has 4 24inch lights on it (two side by side in front and two side by side in the back) is garbage if I switch to a reef tank? Thanks for the advice! I need all I can get.


Active Member
I would never call your hood garbage ;) But it wont be very usefull for reef lighting on a 75, on a 29 gallon in would be a nice set up ;)


Adrian, thanks for the help! I have to look into the cost and decide what's next! Thanks again.