Lighting for BTA


I am starting up a reef tank again. It's been several years since I tore my old one down. I have a 55g tall 36x15x24. My lighting is 4x39w T5HO. Is that enough lighting for a Bubble Tip Anemoe?

mr. limpid

Active Member
To this day I still don't understand the T5 watts vs power compacts watts. All I know is that you have a deep tank so you'll need to make sure there are rocks reaching high enough in the tank so the anemone can climb if requires more light. Four bulb fixture is sufficient for a 55 gal tank, does it have individual reflectors for the bulbs, that is important for the T5 unit and the manufacture of the bulbs also matters. There are three manufactures that make good bulbs, forgotten there names.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Also you may need to change out your bulbs if they are older than 8 months old. If you are thinking of buying another fixture you may want to look into LED's, cheaper on electric bill, runs cooler, bulbs last 50,000 hours and you git shimmer effect. Neg, they cost more up front. Just a thought.