lighting for condi


i ordered a 130w pc lighting fixture and i know i cant keep other anenomes but what about a condi and if i can anything i should know about them?


Active Member
What size is your tank. Contrary to the majority opionion yes you can keep other anenomes under PC lighting. As long as your in the 3 to 4 watts per gal range they can be kept. Condi's out of all the anenomes need the least amount of light. You can find them in depths of up to 18 feet below the surface. Not much light gets down that far. They are IMO the most aggressive of the anenomes and I lost a clown fish to one a while back so I no longer have it. I do have a RBTA and its doing fine under PC lights hope this helps. Just be careful watch its surroundings with corals and dont expect your clown fish if you have one to host on it. Good luck.