Lighting for dumbmies??????????

I have a fish only tank with l/r, l/s and inverts. I know that fowlr tanks don't need specific lighting but, I might in time convert to a reef tank. I have a 125 gal. tank with two 36 inch, single bulb fixtures. I just brought two actinic white 50/50 30w bulbs to replace the standard bulbs.
I know nothing about lighting. I was going to puchase new 36" fixtures with dual bulbs. Is this a good idea and if not give me some suggestions.

mr . salty

Active Member
If you are planning on going reef one day,I wouldn't waste any more money on regular flourecent fixtures.Start looking into VHO or MH....Keep the flo's you already have and maybe use them for actinic blues only in the future....Your best bet for that tank will probably be two ot three 250watt MH's.


i am starting to figure out how to convert my VHO lighting to a combo of VHO and MH. you will actually save money in your watts per dollar. I have all VHO now and regret not doing it earlier.
i found a place that has part numbers of where to order directly from the manufacturer. i did a 175 on his design and it only cost me like 90 bucks. good luck