Lighting for Fish Only


I am setting up 180 gal for eel and Triggers, lfs is trying to talk me into $900 worth of VHO lights. Is this necessary? I have been focusing on filtration so far. I have thought about live rock to aid in filtration which would require the lights. If no live rock do Triggers need any special lights.
Thank You


what is your end goal here. Do you want to keep any corals? probably NO reason for VHO lights.
Really any lighting will be sufficient and IMO lighting which will allow you to enjoy the fish is more than sufficent.
For me (I have a 180gal FO-see below my name) I have 2-48" shop lights (160 total watts) over my tank. IT more than adequate lighting and I don't have nuiscence algae growing everywhere. The only reason to invest in performance lighting is to keep corals.
my opinion

rto 29

I don't know specificly about triggers, however I have a 75g fish only with LR and LS. It's been up and running for about a year and I only use the Florecent Strip the came with it, with a 50/50 Actinic blue/Full Spectrum. The live rock is doing fine, and all the fish are great. There's a couple of medium guys in there too (foxface, fairy wrasse, flame angel, and a yellow tang)
I'm in the process of setting up a 110g for an agressive set-up, and the guy at my lfs said the flourecent (is that how you spell that?) was fine, and I trust him very much he has never steered me wrong.
I hope this helps a little....


any light you want will be fine even the shop light method (great cheap lighting).but think future if you decide to upgrade (scratch that) change your setup to reef,you could get a icecap vho 430 and just run regular flo. lights(50/50)but have endless options ( vho/pc/flo). i believe you can run any of those on the icecap 430. i hope this helps! order it online it will be cheaper. :D


Lr will do fine in any light so I would not dump a bunch of money into lighting that you don,t need. Get your self a good skimmer and you will be set. Good Luck


Thank You for the help, My long term plans are to set up a 110 reef once I get the 180 and my checkbook established (12 to 18 months). I intend on the 180 always being FO. The reason for not doing another 180 is wall size.