Lighting for FOWLR tank


If I am doing a 75 gallon tank built "in the wall", where nobody will see the goings-on behind the tank, could I just use a "shoplight" flourescent light suspended from the ceiling for lighting purposes?? Thought that would save me a few bucks from buying a full hood. Would make my own acrylic/plexyglass top. Thanks for opinions!! If this will work, can I use just regular flourescent bulbs, or do I need "special" bulbs? If I need special bulbs, can I get ones that would fit a standard shoplight that you buy at Lowes/HD?


Active Member
in actulallity.. anylight will do in a fowlr.. but i highly dont asvise it.. at the minimal get pc's ( power compact) lighting for it.. cuzz just regular lights ROB YOUR FISH OF ALL THERE COLORS... the acetenics really bring out colors... trust me.. it's worth the extra $$ on good lights.. agin.. any light will work.. but if you want the colors of your fish to show it's true form.. then buy good ( or at least decent ) lights...


Active Member
my starting light was a shop light( 48" ..17 bucks) with two 40 watt flourescent..One was a 50/50 daylight bulb and one was a actinic 03 bulb, it gave me 80 watts and it made my tank look great also did some shrooms well. BUT honestly youll get the lighting bug and upgrade like i did!! so if i give any advice juist get good lights and youll save money


I won't discourage you from using the regular shop lights over the tank. I think it is a great idea and that is what I do over my 125g tank. Too much light = algea.....especially in a FO or FOWLR where typically there are more nutrients/phosphate compared to a reef.
I am using a cheap shoplight from Lowes and am actually using very inexpensive GE 6500k bulbs from Lowes combined with URI actinic bulbs. It gives the tank a nice crisp white look with a hint of blue. This is such a cheap option that you can put extra money towards a really good skimmer, etc. You could always upgrade it in the future and you haven't wasted a lot of cash.