Lighting for FOWLR Tank


New Member
It seems the more I research, the more confused I get!!!
Hopefully soon I'm either getting a 55 or 75 gallon tank. It's going to be a fish-only tank with live rock in it. I've read that fish-only tanks don't require extra lighting, but what about the live rock? Will I need extra lighting just to help support the live rock? What do you suggest for the lighting of my future tank? Thanks again for your advice!


A standard flourescent will work with a FOWLR. Like someone here has said before, the only light fish need, is enough to see where they're going. LR has no minimum lighting requirements. But unless the tank you purchase is a kit that comes with a canopy light, I would go ahead and get at least a PC or T5 light. For those two tanks, I'd say a minimum of two bulbs (1 daylight, 1 actinic), or preferably a four bulb (2 daylight, 2 actinic, 220w - 260w). This will allow you to at least get mushrooms and softie corals down the road, which I'm finding out myself that I want once my tank gets established with the fish I want in it. Just adds more color to the tank, and makes it more appealing to the eye.


Active Member
My 125 FOWLR only has N.O. flourescents (regular jobbers). It is fine like that. I have 2 -3 foot fixtures that butt up end to end to span the 6 foot tank. Both on their own timer. I do from time to time wish that I had actinics on it. But just N.o output lights are fine for it.


Originally Posted by BamaEskie
It seems the more I research, the more confused I get!!!
Hopefully soon I'm either getting a 55 or 75 gallon tank. It's going to be a fish-only tank with live rock in it. I've read that fish-only tanks don't require extra lighting, but what about the live rock? Will I need extra lighting just to help support the live rock? What do you suggest for the lighting of my future tank? Thanks again for your advice!
I have a 65 gallon FOWLR tank.
I bought the coralife light that is 48" long with two blue actinics and two powercompact flourescents. Also comes with 4 lunar lights.
I'm happy for now but plan on adding some MH's so I can have some hard corals for color.
Good luck