What kind of lights should i use? wattage power i mean? As of now i am using 18 watts (coralife) and it isnt strong enough to grow most algeas. I need somthing small (since my fuge is small) with alota watts so i can grow all kinda of stuff.
I have people say that you can use those spiral florecent bulb like you would use in a normal light fixture. Used w/ a clamp on lamp like from the hardware store.
you can get one of the $15 lamps at HD or Lowes and that would work, it's what I have. and you don't even have to worry about replacing the bulb until it dies, because the older the bulb, the more algae it will grow.
for a fuge it really doesnt matter as much as the display because what you want to grow is algae in the main tank the lighting really matters cause you want the right spectrum for the corals to grow. I have used everything from Power compacts to 2 100 watt incadscent bulbs on it.