lighting for lr/ls

Ok I just swiched the cc/sand substrate to sand only. I'm ready to add my lr then after that I'm going to seed it with ls. Do I need special lighting for lr or ls? If so what? I don't remember how many lbs. of sand I have in the tank but I know I need 4 inches. So if I have two inches of sand how much (in inches) of ls would I need?
I also would like to know if lr/ls could survive hypo because I'm in my first week.


Active Member
You are in your first week of what? Hypo or setting up the tank? No! Dont use hypo on ls or lr. It will kill any inverts in your sand or on the rock. So all you will have left is the bacteria on the rock and in the sand.
I'm in my first week of hypo. I wanted to know if that would kill off the lr/ls. I thought it might, but I just wanted to be sure.
About the dsb I wanted to know the ratio of sand to live sand I needed to start seeding. I guest it doesn't matter. I'm going to put 3.5" of sand and .5 live sand. If that is incorrect please reply.