Lighting for LR

I have a 29 gal. FOWLR Tank and have a about 9-10 lbs. of Fiji LR. At my LFS, they told me that i would need to purchase lights called 50/50 lighting for the success of my LR. Is this true?


New Member
I was also told that I needed at least a 50/50 light (50% daylight & 50% actinic 03) in order to keep live rock. I did upgrade my ligh bulb, but have not yet added any live rock. Am interested in hearing what others more experienced have to say about the lighting needed for live rock.


You do not need any type of special lights to keep LR.
Adding more powerful lights (as well as having the proper conditions) will encourage coralline algea growth, as well as encourage some of the hitchhikers that require light to grow (corals, etc), the bacteria that is contained within the LR for it to be an effective biofilter does not require extra lighting for it to grow and reproduce.


Active Member
special lighting is not a "must have" for LR by itself, but depending what hitchickers you may have on the rock it may be beneficial to thier well being. I would reccomend some type of lighting but mainly for what pleases you. HTH.
i think i am going to purchase these 50/50 lights. In order to promote the growth of coralline algae. Some more q's. What is the average price for these lights? Do the lights also promote the growth of unwanted algae i.e. red slime? If so what can i do to limit this unwanted algae?


Active Member
think i am going to purchase these 50/50 lights. In order to promote the growth of coralline algae
Not necessary
I have a junky 33 watt NO that i bought from walmart (a bright stick) and two 15 watt actinics, it works just fine. I also use a little daylight, coralline will grow fine in any lighting condition, i would just make sure you have good calcium levels.
Oh and redslime usually is from too much food and wrong spectrum of light, i heard that sunlight can cause this, but for 3 weeks i use sunlight and no red slime yet.