Lighting for my 29G

salty james

I have been kicking around different lighting options for my 29G.
I want to keep SPS type corals, and a Maxi. Clam.
I am wondering if a 3x55 PC light would work ??
I have heard that 5-10 watts to keep clams alive, but I have never kept a clam before.
What bulb configuration would work for clams & other SPS coral (bubbles / Carpets / hammers / flower pots etc...)
The mfg offers several:
red / 10K
blue / 10K
Red / blue
Atinic blue 03
Any suggestions on the lighting and care would be great!
There also is a retro with two 175W mong. MHs but I was hesitant
because this would be allot of lighting and I was unsure if this would work for all SPS
Thank you !


I would probably go with 2 96 watt PCs. That should provide plenty of light for almost anything.


DvSKiN, you are correct for normal 96 watt PCs. However, there are "quad" 96 watts available that are only 16 3/4" long. They can be bought at place that sound like a web site full of friendly light bulbs ;) :p . e-mail me if you need a better URL for them :D


(bubbles / Carpets / hammers / flower pots etc...) These corals are called LPS corals :) Theres a larger difference between SPS and LPS corals. Well a Blue Maxima would probably survive at the top of the tank with the 2 96w PC's as well as the LPS corals, but no SPS corals they really need Metal Halide. I have a 29 gallon with an 175, 14,000k halide and it works great. :confused: Its up to you in the end


I have a 10,000k 175 watt mh with a 55 watt 4300k pc
I have sps, closed brains, and a clam.


Active Member
If you are wanting clams or sps, go with MH for sure.
I run a 250 HQI metal halide over my 29 gallon.


Active Member
i would do a mh, actinic pc combo. a 175 Mh, and 2 55w pc's would rock that tank like a hurricane!
good luck

salty james

Thank you for all of the replies.
How do each of you keep you heat down on your 30 gallons ?
With this amount of light do you guys use chillers ??
I have a Eclipse hood, and retrofitting it to have one 175w 10K and two 55w Pcs (10K & 03 actinic)
Any input ???
Thanks again for all the replies.. Much appreciated :0)


Hey Salty,
I'm getting ready to scrap my Eclipse hood...I want a 150HQ-ice cap with 4 24" VHO's nad the Eclipse hood just won't do...
I'm going to build a canopy, and incorperate a sump/refugium...
The Eclipse hood would definitely ....MELT....with any MH setup...
Sorry for the bad news...

salty james

Hey stpabr
I was going to use a reflector to avoid any thing being melted ..
Have you heard of anyone having problems with MHs and the
Eclipse type of hood ??
Thanks for responding,


i have a 29 gal clam lagoon and i use a 175 watt mh with a- o3 actentic everything is doing fine and my brain eats like a horse my light is 10 inches from water surface and i have 1- 4 inch computer fan blowing out to cool it my temp stays fine and i love the look it has


Active Member
I have my 250 HQI in a pendent about 7" off the water with one 4" fan blowing into the canopy and I have no heat issues at all. For top off, I use a litermeter dosing pump.


Active Member
I just got in a 4 bulb vho retro kit for little more than $200 that includes the 4 bulbs that is a total of 300 watts over it. I am currently building the canopy and I will post pictures when I get it set up. I have 2 3 inch fans blowing in I hope there will be no heat issues..


Havn't "heard" of any problems, but do not know of anyone that has gone through that much modification for an Eclipse.
One main reason I'm giving it up is becsause the MH needs to be about 7 or more inches above the water surface...Can anyone verify that?
You just cannot do it with an Eclipse...unless you remove the light lid completely and build a taller box...
Also, with a sump I'll need an overflow and that would be a waste to cut the Eclipse up. I'll put it towards an freshwater Anglefish tank for the wife.
I wish I had put the money for the Eclipes towards a light setup...
Live and learn..

salty james

I have no idea about the 7" wish someone would help out before I go on a rampade with the circular saw :eek:)
Got my fingers crossed though!
live life to its fullest before its gone!