Lighting for this Nano - What would YOU do?


Active Member
Ok, so I set up a 6g Eclipse FW tank for my wife to have glofish (danios) in on her desk at work.
If you've ever seen glofish, you know the 'glow' better under shorter wavelengths, like actinics or blacklights.
The tank has an 8W, 12" T5 bulb in there. I've looked everywhere to find a actinic of that bulb size. I found one, but its $30, which is a little too high.
What would you do? Hook up a secondary actinic light source outside the tank? Put a fullspectrum bulb in and see if it makes a difference? Try to retrofit the tank to take a 'normal' bulb size, like a 13W CF 50/50?
Looking for help from all the DIYers.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gmann1139
What would you do?
Looking for help from all the DIYers.

I have said it before and I will put my name on it again...
Use long thin linear stripes running the length of the bulb. Add more stripes as needed.
Works like a charm......


Active Member
Originally Posted by morval
goggle 420nm LED and see if you can get a small one to mount in the tank
Wow, I'd given up on this thread.
This is actually what I ended up doing, getting a 50/50 LED system. Supposed to come in late this week. I'll update here when it does.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains

I have said it before and I will put my name on it again...
Use long thin linear stripes running the length of the bulb. Add more stripes as needed.
Works like a charm......
I want to try this and see if it works. I actually have a blue sharpie, and I just have to sacrifice a bulb...
Alright, I'm going to give this a shot. I'll do half the bulb, so if it doesn't work, the other stuff will still shine. Will report back.
Reef, where were you before I bought the LED lighting for $50?


Active Member
I am always here. I am the resident ghetto Mad Scientist.
If something can be made at home, I can do it......and do it cheaper.


Active Member
You own a lot of duct tape, don't you?
Oh, and was that a 'file' photo of the Sharpie, or did you have to take it yesterday?
Ok, now for the update. In concert with coloring the bulb, I made some other changes as well. I (finally) added a black background, and changed out the decorations from hot colors to cool. Combine all that with the black sand I already had, and it made a better background to make the fish 'glow.'
I ended up just coloring the bottom half the bulb completely. It created a pretty cool effect. I wouldn't grow corals under this light, but it definitely gives a blue tint, and brings out the pinks and oranges of the fish as a contrast to the black of the tank.
I'll take some pics this weekend when I have time.


Active Member
No duct tape here but I have built quite an array of wierd stuff within the hobby.
Homeade chillers, Homeade Lighting systems, Tanks, Skimmers, who knows how many refugiums and sumps. Stands, Canopies, the list goes on and on.
And you saw the vid for the ghetto frag tank right. Its always popular.
The blue sharpie does give color but you are correct, I would not suggest relying on it for corals.
I did use it in a nano build for some zoanthids with success but I only striped the bulb. The bulb I started with was 6500k so I had plenty of wiggleroom in specrum. Worked ok but switched to the DIY MH for the extra umph.