lighting/heating question

The water in the tank gets very warm during the day to my touch even tho the outside thermometer says it's between the 75-79 mark. When the lights are off, the water feels like it's in that area, I guess I need to check with an internal thermometer.....if it's really warm during the day tho, am I going to need a chiller? I dont like this fluctuation so Im sure the fish dont either.


Active Member
i would get an internal thermometer. if indeed the temp does flunctuate, most people get a clip-on fan and blow air across the top of the water surface.
Originally Posted by nycbob
i would get an internal thermometer. if indeed the temp does flunctuate, most people get a clip-on fan and blow air across the top of the water surface.
My lights are not on the stand that was provided would it help to put it on the stand?


Active Member
What type of thermometer are you using now? You should at the very least get a regular one that suction cups to the inside glass or for a few bucks more get a digital so you know exactly what the temp is.
Originally Posted by DragonZim
What type of thermometer are you using now? You should at the very least get a regular one that suction cups to the inside glass or for a few bucks more get a digital so you know exactly what the temp is.
just put one in and it's around 78 in there......with the lights on I guess it'll keep climbing. What can I do about it? The fan on the light is running, good water flow all around, what.
A chiller? a clip on fan?