Lighting help.


right now i have stock lighting but i wanna get a small open brain coral and an anemone so will this be good light? Measures 9"x 4.75" x 2.75" This light has German mirror polished aluminum reflectors, electronic ballasts, 1 switch and 1 cord. It does NOT come with an acrylic lens to go over the bulbs Aluminum hood comes complete with ( 1) 13 Watt Actinic Blue and (1) 13 Watt 10000K Super Daylight bulb. Great for a mini reef or refugium If you would like different bulbs like 6500 k or 50.50.
I want an anemone and an open brain coral, + im gunna add about 3-4lbs of very small pieces of LR to biuld some hiding places otherwise I want the tank open for swimming since I have a clown and plan on getting a royal gramma and another clown. I also want a small colony(2-3'') of super colored zoanthus'. is that enough lighting?


since its only a 5ga tank what kinda lighting can i get? i found one other option and it wa 300 bucks wich i do not plan on spending 300 dollars on lights unless its for my bigger tank.


the lighting you were talking about would be fine for that tank, but no matter what lighting I couldnt see putting a brain or an anemone in a 5 gal tank. Its just too easy for something to go wrong in a tank that small, and they are too fragile for fluctuating water conditions. But you could still set up a pretty sweet tank w/out them. just ask if you have any more ?s I've had nano tanks for a long time.


well i plan on geting 3lbs of really small pieces of LR, and ill biuld a few small caves and then i want something unique or diffrent, know1 i know has a saltwater tank so i really wanted an anemone for the clowns and a open brain cause they look so damn cool, what would you put in it, and so far i havent had a fluctuation in the water condition yet, but its only had fish in it for 5 days, i was gunna buy some snails or hermit crabs to keep the bio-load down so the nitrates or amonia wouldnt get high.


:eek: what fish do you have in there :(
why dont you just get a 10 gallon tank


your jump into this hobby has scared the living crap outta me.
i hope you can step back and take the time to read and learn about keeping a tank espec. one that is 5gals. they say the smaller the more difficult to control the levels and it is true. IF your clowns live i hope that you can honestly think about selling them back to the fish store or getting a larger tank. this hobby is one that takes a nothing but patience. if you add an anemone to a 5 gal tank you will have a problem. if it is unhappy AT ALL it will die causing everything in your tank to die from the toxins they relese upon death. i beg you to please have your LFS hold your clowns till you have the right size tank or you can trade them in for some zoa's or shrooms that would be fine in your 5.


this is not my first tank, my first tank was a 10ga with sea horses and my 2nd tank was a 5ga with a watchman goby and a clown. I have never had a problem taking car of m tanks and NO i will not trade or give my fish back to the LFS. i know people here with 2.5ga tanks with one small clown and a yellow tang



Originally posted by AndrewMack
this is not my first tank, my first tank was a 10ga with sea horses and my 2nd tank was a 5ga with a watchman goby and a clown. I have never had a problem taking car of m tanks and NO i will not trade or give my fish back to the LFS. i know people here with 2.5ga tanks with one small clown and a yellow tang

see now i know your full of ish
i'd like to see any yellow tang fit in a 2.5 and live for a week


thats just sad
if they had a license for having an aquarium it should be revoked


Why don't you set back up your 10g and go with 96w powerquad by corallife. That is what I have and my open brain is doing great. I don't recommend getting an anenomie for any nano tank. It is too hard to keep the water quality high enough. You can get other corals with this lighting that will host a clownfish.


Clowns are hosted by lots of corals, but with your lighting and size of your tank you will not be able to keep most of them. I had a bubble tip anenome in my 29g tank for a while, but my clowns didn't pay attention to it. Instead the were hosted by a powerhead :mad: .


A Yellow tank in a 2.5 gal Oh my!!!!!!!!!! No way!!!!! :notsure: :eek: :eek: :scared:
no less than a 50 gal, but Ive seen worse, 12 gal. But it worked for 6 months before the tang got to big.