Lighting help....


OK...I have the JEBO lights I got on the auction site back in March. they are PCs 220W. there are 2 seporate switches but one plug. I went to turn them on yesterday and only the Blue would come on....I switched teh blulbs and I know they are fine. Do you think the ballest would have blown in less then 6 months? the connection? anyone have any ideas?/ anyone is SOFL a good electrician who can take a look at it!!! I wiggled wires...checked all the connections andeverything seems fine. So I am clueless... any help would be GREAT! thanks


Active Member
.. did u try swaping the 'burt' side with the ' good side'?? (i mean the bulbs..) just to make shure that it is not the bulds itself??... also the endcaps for jebo units kinda such.. they just slip on like.. so maybe it's not sliped in all the way..


Active Member
Anythings possible, could have "burnt" a ballast, but I have a couple sets of JEBOs running over two years 24/7 (fuge) and still working good...
I'd check the connections and wiring some more...maybe open it up and check the internal connections as well...might even be a bad $3 switch...