Lighting idea


I have this light from a 30 gallon im not using. so I decided just now to put it behind the 5 gallon for extra light. Its already has a 50/50 compact 10 watts. So the light are good enough for the xenia I have in there, from what Ive been told. Would adding this 15watt behind it help it?


Ok so I took the back part off and put the light on top of the tank. Would this be any good for the coral at all? Its not a blue light or anything special, its just a normal aquarium light. Would this be good for coral or no? Please help me out thanks!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by gil5280 http:///t/387485/lighting-idea#post_3409992
Ok so I took the back part off and put the light on top of the tank. Would this be any good for the coral at all? Its not a blue light or anything special, its just a normal aquarium light. Would this be good for coral or no? Please help me out thanks!
Low light corals only, I'm afraid xenia is a high light needy critter, it will get smaller and smaller until it shrinks into a snot spot...if good light gets to it in time, new tiny Xenia may emerge from the snot spot.
You can only keep mushrooms and maybe Kenya tree


Well-Known Member
you can get one of those lil 50/50 bulbs from most petstores...and get a terranium clamp on light...ull still need some kind of reflector but that would be the cheapest idea i could think of! I can post a pic of my fuge light if needed....or if ur not getting wat im saying lol!


Well-Known Member
hey gil i re looked at ur pic and u should get rid of that blue FW aquarium gravel! Get a bag of carib sea live sand!
also some smaller maybe even rubble size pieces of LR!...
is there anything other than the xenia in the tank as far as live stock?
Did u cycle yet?


Thanks for your input! Thats sand by the way, not gravel. I was thinking of breaking or doing something with that live rock. I really liked the idea of one big pice but I may change that. The tank was fully cycled before ANYTHING was added to the tank. There is a turbo nail, some other black snail that was in the sand, and a orchid dotty back that will move to my 30 gallon when its done eventually.
I am planning on getting some mushroom because this xenia is already growing, and MAYBE a hammer coral or something like that.