Lighting issues


New Member
Hello all
I've just started my first saltwater tank and am a bit confused on the lighting issue. Eventually, I do plan on having some coral, anemones, lots of inverts. Through researching the topic, I've gathered that the general rule of thumb is typically 5 watts per gallon (so for my 30 gallon tank, that would be ~150 watts). At the moment I have one "Reef Sun 50/50 6500K" bulb, but its only 17 watts (which for the moment is fine to cycle my live rock and my lonely little damsel fish). According to the math, I need 9 of these to stick to the general rule, but this can't possibly be right. What (specifically) should I get?


Active Member
I had a 4 bulb (75w per bulb) VHO setup on my 30 gallon. That ended up being 300w for 10 wpg and I had only ok coral growth. That so-called rule of thumb doesn't mean much. I only have 250w metal halide on my 70 gallon and coral growth is better.