lighting lighting lighting


48 inch JEBO HIGH COMPACT AQUARIUM LIGHT 260w LEG. i just purchased that lighting system form my 55gal tank.. is that going to be enough to house soft corals and annemies. it has the white and blue bulbs. thats almost 5 wats per gal


Active Member
No matter where you place the anemone, I still say "not enough lighting". First off, you can't really control where an anemone goes...they go where they feel most comfortable. Secondly, the fixture that you have isn't the best but should be enough lighting to maintain most soft corals, but not anemones.
The "blue bulbs" that came with your system are not true actinics. They are simply painted to have the blue hue to them. You might research the cost of new actinic bulbs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KDFrosty
No matter where you place the anemone, I still say "not enough lighting".