LIghting : Min VS. MAx


New Member
About three weeks ago I have set up a 40g salt water tank with the intent to only put in fish. Since this was my initial impression, I chose to use the hyposalinity method, recommended by my LFS--the owner --has had a lot of succes with keeping parasite from popping up.
My question is concerning lighting & LR and HYPO being compatable...currently I have only floresent lighting (2) 24" plant bulbs left over from a tropical fresh water tank...advise was given to my if I wanted to but LR or any invertabrates into my tank I would need to get my lighting to aprx 200 watts (50/50 & actinac).
I wish only to put live rock (maybe 20lbs or so...) and if that does well--an anemone of some sort...(at Hypo this may not be possible)--Is this correct?
Would it be possible to light the tank w/(1)20w 50/50 bulb and (1)actinac and have a small amount of LR?
Currently, there are two damsels and one percula clown doing well. w/ 35 lbs of aragonite...I have not done any water testing for nitrites since the tank is only begining to cycle...
Any help would be great!


Active Member
that clown may not live through the cycle. I keep my tank at about 1.21 and i bought an anenome from The LFS in a salinity of about 1.08 so it took awhile to acclimate. I am not experienced in hypo salinity, so i do not know what a true hypo level is. as for LR lighting, you dont really need much, i run 60 watts and i have about 30 pounds of lr and it has many live critters on it. hth


I got a 68 gallon with 90 watts and red,green and purple coraline algae are slowly growing.(planning to upgrade though)


I have a 55 gallon tank just set up about 2 weeks ago...(cycling) damsels and lr already in there... problem was i had old flourecent lights for a freshwater tank.. i just bought as of today, a 36" fixture with pc 50/50 and antic lights in it... i bought this from i would recomend these people to buy from.. nice guys there! called me to confirm and will get them in a day or so.. cost reasonable compared to lfs..


New Member
It would be interesting to see, how the up grades in the lighting that "eeldarb21" would result would be the closest to what I could reasonably do...
ONe bit of info I rxd from the largest LFS in the area was regarding the lighting they used for their live rock ( FUji & Tongan) was only about 1w/gal--but he said I would have to raise my salinity from 1.010 (HYPO) to the norm of about 1.02 or so... this was for the live rock...
IF I wanted to go with some inverts--then the formula was about a min.of 3w/gal...FYI